Xuenou > Fashion > 10 Sex-Positive TikTok Accounts You Need on Your FYP
10 Sex-Positive TikTok Accounts You Need on Your FYP

TikTok is quickly changing the way we talk about sex. Typically, sex education hasn’t exactly been a comprehensive experience, if offered at all, and hasn’t often nurtured a safe space to delve into deeper discussions around sex, pleasure, or sexuality. A group of sex educators, sex therapists, and activists on TikTok are actively working toward changing that.

Amid clips on career advice and beauty tips, a growing number of influencers on Tiktok are addressing reproductive health, the female orgasm, body image, intimacy, menstrual wellness, and anatomy. In doing so, they’re filling a gap for TikTok audiences, allowing them a thorough and transparent approach to sex education, while also creating no-judgment spaces where they can address concerns and questions.

The internet has long been a place to get information about sex that we didn’t get in school, but these certified sexologists, therapists, and doctors are creating go-to spaces for easily digestible, informative content. Read on for 10 sex-positive TikTok accounts you need to have on your FYP.