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31 Moments That Show How Out Of Hand Married At First Sight’s Retreat Week Got
31 Moments That Show How Out Of Hand Married At First Sight's Retreat Week Got,And we thought retreats were meant to be relaxing...

31 Moments That Show How Out Of Hand Married At First Sight’s Retreat Week Got

If you’re a fan of Married At First Sight, you know the couples retreat week can be very, very dramatic.

Nine NetworkAnd yes, after walking out of the Commitment Ceremony, Tayla came back to come on retreat week with her beloved husband. 

2. Hugo told the boys he was heading into the retreat with optimistic hopes after a rough week with Tayla, but her rules on not wanting affection from him were hard to deal with…

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3. …Meanwhile, over in the girls’ corner, Tayla was boasting about her high sex drive and having the biggest “sex bag” — something Hugo then overheard. Oops!

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Hugo, my man, my Stockholm Syndrome sufferer, you should’ve written ‘Leave’. 

Also, I must know what’s in Tayla’s “sex bag”. 

4. Tayla then confessed that her ex had been in contact with her “the other day”, leaving poor Hugo shocked.

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In fact, she said he had been “sexting” her, which I take to mean he sent a dick pic on Snapchat.

5. Bronte confessed to the group that she and Harrison staged a butt dial* to see if Evelyn’s story held up.

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*For those who may not have been watching as religiously as me, a single woman in her thirties with no life, Evelyn allegedly received a butt dial from her husband Rupert and overheard two of the grooms talking negatively about their wives. Harrison didn’t buy the story, but all we’ve seen of Harrison so far is, well, he’s great at lying, so it’s a real pot-kettle-black situation we’ve got on our hands here, folks!

6. Evelyn insisted there WAS a butt dial and Rupert backed her up, but Harrison chose not to believe it and said his trust with Rupert had been broken.

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Siri, play ‘Cry Me A River’ bro-code edition. 

7. In true King behaviour, Rupert told Harrison he didn’t care if he doesn’t trust him.

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Who knew awkward Rupert had it in him! Straight to the top of the leaderboard! 

8. Bronte then stood up for Harrison to the other girls, after Melinda said he gets too involved with everyone else’s business. “I’ll always have his back, no matter what,” Bronte told the girls.

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Bronte, blink twice if you’re being held hostage by That Man. 

9. Melinda told Bronte she’s losing herself to Harrison, with Claire backing her up. Bronte went into full denial mode and claimed the others are “jealous” and “want what she and Harrison have”.

Paramount Pictures / Via giphy.com

It ended with Bronte storming out of the girls’ chat, with Lyndall going after her. Not Harrison! Don’t know where he is now! Probably out getting some other girl’s number again.

Slight intermission: To lighten the tension the next day, Jesse did a nudie run and gave everyone a full frontal show.

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Who said the chaos only happens at night!

10. After a day of laughs and tennis with the boys, Duncan learned he’s in the doghouse with Alyssa for not spending time with her all day.

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After Duncan apologised and said he thought she was happy hanging out with the girls, Alyssa scolded him for not checking on her throughout the day. Unfortunately for Duncan, in his apology, he made the grave error of saying “If I read that wrong, that’s on me. I’m sorry if you feel like that.” 

Oh Duncan, and every man ever. Never say “I’m sorry if you…”. Take this as a lesson learned. 

“Duncan, give me attention,” Alyssa wailed before rejecting his hug. Lord, give us strength.

11. At girls’ and boys’ night respectively, Alyssa and Duncan debrief to the ladies and lads about their fight. Alyssa is MAD and Duncan is…confused.

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Alyssa told the girls that Duncan has never reassured her that he likes her or that he wants to make it work, while Duncan told the lads that he is really into Alyssa and, uh, wants to make it work.

12. Melinda decided to confront Bronte about the fact Bronte thinks Mel is now Public Enemy No.1 because of her Barrison stance (we can work on that couple name).

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Bronte told Melinda that being called “naive” was offensive and Melinda asked why she always gets the sole blame when all the other women agree that Harrison is bad news. She has a point!

13. Evelyn and Melinda then decided to flee girls’ night to spy on the boys — and overheard Harrison telling Layton that his relationship with Melinda is toxic.

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For what it’s worth, Layton told Harrison he found what he said offensive and that he was completely wrong, and Rupert and Ollie rallied behind Layton to sing the praises of him and Mel as a couple.

14. As Melinda reported back to the girls on what was said, she asked Bronte if she agrees with Harrison’s assessment of her relationship. Bronte stormed off for the second night in a row.

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15. Claire dropped on the girls that Bronte has said to her that she doesn’t see a future with Harrison and Claire is getting the sense that he’s an emotional manipulator.

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If the shoe fits!

16. Bronte debriefed with Harrison about what happened and he enacted revenge by telling Layton that Melinda eavesdropped boys’ night before she gets a chance to talk to him, which left Layton VERY unimpressed.

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17. After the two have an argument, Melinda awoke the next day to find Layton gone.

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18. In new brewing drama, Lyndall discussed with Tahnee that Tayla may just be into Cam, because she’s certainly not into Hugo! This much we know!

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More on that soon!

19. Aaaand back to old brewing drama, Alyssa was in fresh tears thinking about where she’s at with Duncan. She’s upset that he wanted to uh checks notes spend the day with her.

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20. Bronte decided to pull Melinda aside to tell her she absolutely wasn’t being gaslit and Harrison is very genuine.

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21. Bronte THEN dropped on Melinda that Layton said at boys’ night that he isn’t happy and he’s in a toxic relationship!

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Oopsie, looks like Harrison has been projecting again! 

22. Melinda tried to tell Layton that Harrison is trying to stir the pot with them, and it ended in an argument when Layton told her he just wanted to focus on their relationship.

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23. Eventually Layton realised he needed to put Harrison in his place, so at the final dinner that’s exactly what happened! We love a man defending his queen! We love to see Harrison caught out in his tangled little web!

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Harrison went on to deny he said anything about Melinda and Layton’s relationship being toxic.

24. And this all resulted in Bronte apologising to Harrison for “misunderstanding” what he said. Yes, you read that right.

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25. Melinda called Harrison out, labelling him a manipulator and told him to stay away from her and Layton’s relationship.

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26. Bronte went in to bat for Harrison and said she wouldn’t be with someone who was nasty or manipulative. In fact, she asked for someone kind and who would speak their mind and “that’s exactly what I got”.

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Honestly, I’m calling the police.

27. Harrison and Bronte then decided to confront the whole group and ask if they think their relationship is fake. As the group awkwardly danced around it, Claire said she does and Evelyn piped up to say that all the girls did agree that it wasn’t genuine.

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28. Oh! To wrap things up, at some stage Hugo asked Tayla about what her ex-boyfriend was sexting her. She said there was no sexting?!

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29. AND for some reason, Tayla then decided to get mad at Evelyn for standing in the background staring at her during her argument with Hugo, before telling her to “f*ck off”.

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30. In some interesting foreshadowing, Cam was the one to go comfort Tayla.

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In case you haven’t seen the rumours, there’s a lot of talk about Cam and Tayla having a bit of an ongoing flirtation, which led to Tayla calling Lyndall “the biggest bully” in a quickly deleted Instagram Story, before her socials were taken over by the network. 

31. Thankfully we ended the retreat on a somewhat hopeful note – Bronte admitted the girls’ distrust of Harrison had planted a seed of doubt in her mind. WE CAN ONLY HOPE!

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John Aiken, we’re going to need you to step in here, for the love of God! 

What do you think of this MAFS retreat? Did it live up to past years’ mayhem? Let us know in the comments below!