Xuenou > Fashion > Are you a Garden Whisperer or are your growing skills Dead and Buried? Take this quiz to find out
Are you a Garden Whisperer or are your growing skills Dead and Buried? Take this quiz to find out
Are you a Garden Whisperer or are your growing skills Dead and Buried? Take this quiz to find out,Though many tether gardening to the "older" stereotype, many young adults are catching the green-bug from the age of 26

Are you a Garden Whisperer or are your growing skills Dead and Buried? Take this quiz to find out

How excited do you get about a trip to the garden centre? Do you know how courgettes are grown? How confident would you feel about growing a plant from a seed?

Are you a "Growing God or Goddess", or do you leave the house plants, seeds and gardening to the green-fingered? Take this quiz to find out your gardening persona.

It comes after research of 2,000 adults found many Brits catch the gardening bug – at the age of 26.

Despite the hobby having an "older stereotype", many young adults have kindled a new-found love for it, with 56% praising its mental health benefits.

Many find gardening to be therapeutic - and claim it's benefited their mental health
Many find gardening to be therapeutic – and claim it's benefited their mental health (Image: Robert Sanderson)